History of injured in TII West Java and its causes
One of the kinds of resistance that gives many people memories in his time is DI TII West Java. That’s because the incident was enough to cause a lot of casualties. In fact, events have also happened over a fairly long period of time. So many people remember that today.
Even after the Republic of Indonesia became independent, people fought even harder. National heroes face a number of events that are much more so than during the Indonesian struggle. Even then , the resistance that has taken place came from the Indonesian people. The incident occurred because the ideology was not in line with the government.
Many groups of individuals are unhappy with what the Indonesian government is doing. That’s why there are quite a lot of insurgents of their own people, like the di tii movement. Where the center itself is in a regional part of Indonesia , such as western Java itself.
In Indonesia there are still many places like Kalimantan, Aceh or Sulawesi. But in the end, the government also thwarted the efforts that had taken place. The relentless experiments were successful because the resistance was dat quite a force of different parties. Until now, the public still knows her widely.
Ozadje v TII West Java
Darul Islam Campaign The Indonesian Islamic Army itself is a movement in the political sphere with its initial development in the Tasikmalaya area. This resistance was initially exposed to the Islamic Stateof Indonesia. Exactly 7 August 1949. This happened a few years after the announcement.
The West Jave TII process led by Secaraji figure Maridjan Kartosoewirjo was intended to create Indonesia in the Islamic State, where he was finally proclaiming his NII. The incident itself occurred because Kartosoewirjo felt pulled out because of the contents of the Renville Agreement.
The content of the treaty is supposed to be a nuising honor of the hero of independence. The content of the agreement itself was the Indonesian state, which was forced by the Dutch to retake the West Ham region. As long as this resistance comes, Kartosoewirjo has become a politician. It is therefore not surprising that he has a lot of political experience.
Even within the Islamic Sarekat Party, The Au is very fanatical about the religion of Islam. He also had a thought for hijra politics, in which it had to be applied in his leadership. The backdrop of West Jave TII uniting every branch in Indonesia gar can be fighting against a government that disagrees.
It is not just because there is one commonness of a diverse ideology. Leaders and members of the movement were also driven by its leader from West Ham. This resistance was, in fact, because Kartosoewirjo was unhappy about the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, which was still overshadowed by the Dutch, who wanted to continue to control Indonesia.
Purpose Di TII movement created
The emergence of di emberontakan DI TII West Java was led by community leader Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo himself, because they were supposed to achieve the goals as he wished. TiI is trying to create a country where shari’a isbased in Islam. In addition, the country was liberated by Dutch colonisation.
For more details, the purpose of this resistance itself is to create an Indonesian Islamic State, which is recognized by the state. In fact, they also want to be recognised under international law. Moreover, this resistance was also designed because indonesia wanted to make Indonesia a country that has an Islamic basis.
The leader of this measure is to become an Islamic law, to become the law of the Indonesian state, of course, guided by two things, namely Hadis and the Koran. Not only that, they formed the Islamic State because they wanted to change the laws of the government to make it the same as Islam.
The purpose of the di tii rebellion west Java was to reject the ideology and laws of the Hadis and the Quran. In addition to the two things mentioned, they claim that if they follow others, they are considered infidel. However, it is very unfortunate, as the main purpose of this movement was designed to combat the Dutch.
But it has changed radically. As everyone knows, Indonesia itself has the highest diversity of beliefs. Where there are six greatest religions in this and the state has recognized it. So it is not wise to make Islam more special than other religions.
Founder of Potency in TII West Java
The very emergence of the DI measure was originally because they were suspected of having an important role in shaping the action. Kyai Yusuf Tauziri. The founder is said to be in the early stages of creating a peaceful Islamic movement.
In the end, he alsowithdrew his support forKartos Wirjo to fight the Indonesian state. However, many people know that the main character for DI is kartosoewirjo himself. The figure, who was born and raised in the Java area, almost spent her career in West Java.
In reality, he is not a native of West Java, but a native of central Java, who was born in Cep. The location of the area itself is between Bojonegora and Blora.
In fact, he also had little insight into Islam and the Arabic language, according to the story. There was even a course to be able to enter the Dutch East Indies ketabibab school, located in Surabaya. In this area he met H. Oemar Said , who later became president of PSII .
The only movement di tii West Java was initially a bad reaction kartosoewirjo and his group that they rejected the Renville agreement. The agreement was concluded by agreement of Indonesia and the Netherlands. This is what makes Darul Islam and its troops members are TII themselves.
Breakdown of stalling in tii west Jave
As is known to many people, the event in TII West Java is the biggest event in the country and almost everyone remembers it. Ponekad supports the movement, too. To form a state that is in line with the Islamic faith.
Even the then government of the Republic of Indonesia also declared its independence and fought again against the Dutch. Once again, the government is facing resistance from its own people. Of course, that’s why the government is working on many things to eradicate the movement. The aim is to include theneg a ra.
In West Java, this fracture began peacefully. Where Moh Natsir formed the committee. But the way he was running didn’t work. After that, he was re-tracked by another method, using military operations. In the end, Kartosoewirjo was arrested in 1962 in the Area of Mount Salak.
The operation also refers to community efforts to limit the movement of DI TII members. As for the sentence given, it’s death. Indeed, the action of TII West Java is not some of the sacrifices and is an important post-independence event that you need to know.